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Game sheet of Gypsylady (file), Game of September 17, 2011 at 00:00

Word find
Word played
1 EGHINSZ ZINGS H4 50   50 1/3       50 1/3
2 ADEEFNT FA I3 20 -43 70 2/3 FASTENED 8F 63 113 1/3
3 ADEILOT DATE I3 22 -46 92 2/4 DELATION K1 68 181 1/4
4 CGOPRUW WORD 1H 24 -9 116 4/4 CROWD 1G 33 214 2/4
5 ADEEMNO DAM J4 27 -47 143 1/4 MENADIONE 6F 74 288 1/4
6 ?AEQRUV             AQU(I)VER 9A 78 366 3/4
7 ABDEISV BADS A8 21 -34 164 3/3 VISAED O4 55 421 3/4
8 AAEILRT RETAIL A6 18 -12 182 1/3 ALTEZA 4D 30 451 3/4
9 ?IPRSTY STRIP(E)Y 10F 80 -114 262 1/2 PARTYIS(M) A8 194 645 2/4
10 EFLNRUX OXEN L6 20 -18 282 3/3 F(I)XURE D8 38 683 2/4
11 ABCINRT BAN C13 18 -9 300 1/3 BALTI 3I 27 710 2/4
12 ACIMORS             VIM E9 33 743 2/4
13 EGIIKNR             REEKING 13C 30 773 2/4
14 BEEHOOO             HE 2J 30 803 2/4
15 AGHINRS             GARNISH 2A 83 886 2/4
16 BCLOTUW             COBNUT H10 39 925 2/4
17 EEILNOU             ULE 1A 22 947 2/4

Total: 300/947 or -647 for 31.67%
Rank: 5319

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