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Game sheet of jeff (file), Game of September 21, 2011 at 18:05

Word find
Word played
1 AGINPSU PANGS H4 22 -54 22 3/4 PAUSING H4 76 76 3/4
2 AEEKNOS SNEAK 11H 29 -2 51 3/4 SKEANE 11H 31 107 3/4
3 ?AEELOV (S)LAVE N11 24 -52 75 3/4 OVE(R)LEAP 4A 76 183 3/4
4 EILNRSX REX 12K 35 -30 110 2/4 RELAXINS K8 65 248 2/4
5 ADEEINP SPADE 15K 33 -50 143 2/4 OEDIPEAN A4 83 331 2/4
6 ACEEIRU SCARE 15K 30 -119 173 2/4 CAUSERIE 15H 149 480 2/4
7 ?DDILLU DULL(E)D B10 31 -51 204 1/4 ILLUD(E)D B8 82 562 2/4
8 BCHINOT HOB A13 31 -11 235 2/4 BRICHT 8J 42 604 2/4
9 BDEFIIR FLED 10J 34 -36 269 2/5 RUBIFIED 6G 70 674 2/5
10 AEJNOOY JOYED N2 32   301 1/5       706 2/5
11 AAEHMOS HOMES O1 54 -1 355 3/5 MAHOE O1 55 761 2/5
12 AAGTUVY NUT L11 26 -2 381 4/6 YAG A13 28 789 2/6
13 INORSTT NIT L11 26 -44 407 2/5 INTROITS 13F 70 859 2/6
14 AGNOOTU NUT L11 24 -7 431 2/6 GOATEE 5J 31 890 2/6
15 ANORRTZ ZAG 10F 33 -15 464 4/6 NERTZ C3 48 938 2/6
16 AMOQTVW QAT 12D 26 -8 490 2/5 TOW C11 34 972 2/6

Total: 490/972 or -482 for 50.41%
Rank: 6116

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