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Game sheet of jeff (file), Game of September 21, 2011 at 18:48

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEIKOX OXE(N) H7 20 -28 20 3/5 OX(L)IKE H3 48 48 3/5
2 ADILNPR PIAN I3 28   48 1/6 PONIARD 3G   76 2/6
3 IJLOSTV JORS L1 38   86 1/6       114 2/6
4 AAEIRTT PEAT G3 18 -51 104 3/5 ARIETTA I7 69 183 2/6
5 AAEGILO JAGA 1L 36   140 1/6       219 2/6
6 ?FFOOSV FOO(L)S J10 35 -4 175 2/7 (M)OFOS 2F 39 258 2/7
7 ACGOSUZ ZAG H13 50   225 3/7       308 2/7
8 ADIMORS ROMA J8 29 -55 254 2/6 DIORAMAS 14B 84 392 2/7
9 EMRSTUW WETS 15A 32 -1 286 1/6 MUREX 4D 33 425 2/7
10 CFHILOS OF J9 28 -28 314 3/5 FISH 15A 56 481 2/7
11 ABENOWY WAY 3C 27 -15 341 3/7 BOWERY E10 42 523 2/7
12 AEINUVW WAVE 3A 24 -16 365 2/8 UNWIVE 1A 40 563 2/8
13 DEHIORU HOED 13C 37 -37 402 1/8 OUTHIRED 11G 74 637 2/8
14 BELNTVY BEVY F7 35 -4 437 2/8 BENTY F6 39 676 2/8
15 DEEGLOR GOLDEN 8A 30   467 1/8       706 2/8
16 CELNPTU HEP J11 24 -2 491 2/7 CEP 5C 26 732 2/8

Total: 491/732 or -241 for 67.07%
Rank: 7469

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