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Game sheet of Andy1990 (file), Game of September 21, 2011 at 18:48

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEIKOX             OX(L)IKE H3 48 48  
2 ADILNPR             PONIARD 3G 28 76  
3 IJLOSTV             JORS L1 38 114  
4 AAEIRTT             ARIETTA I7 69 183  
5 AAEGILO             JAGA 1L 36 219  
6 ?FFOOSV ARIETTAS I7 8 -31 8 6/7 (M)OFOS 2F 39 258 7/7
7 ACGOSUZ ZAS H13 47 -3 55 6/7 ZAG H13 50 308 7/7
8 ADIMORS PONIARDS 3G 11 -73 66 5/6 DIORAMAS 14B 84 392 7/7
9 EMRSTUW WET 15A 23 -10 89 4/6 MUREX 4D 33 425 6/7
10 CFHILOS COSH 15A 53 -3 142 1/5 FISH 15A 56 481 6/7
11 ABENOWY TOWN 12I 14 -28 156 6/7 BOWERY E10 42 523 6/7
12 AEINUVW WAW 12C 18 -22 174 5/8 UNWIVE 1A 40 563 6/8
13 DEHIORU HIDER 5A 26 -48 200 7/8 OUTHIRED 11G 74 637 6/8
14 BELNTVY ENVY M11 20 -19 220 5/8 BENTY F6 39 676 6/8
15 DEEGLOR ERODE M11 12 -18 232 7/8 GOLDEN 8A 30 706 6/8
16 CELNPTU DUNE N11 10 -16 242 7/7 CEP 5C 26 732 6/8

Total: 242/732 or -490 for 33.06%
Rank: 4864

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