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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of September 21, 2011 at 22:43

Word find
Word played
1 DEJLORS JOLED H4 42 -2 42 1/4 JODELS H4 44 44 1/4
2 ?AFLOUY FAY I3 27 -42 69 3/4 FA(M)OUSLY 9C 69 113 1/4
3 BDEGIRT DRIB 8A 42 -2 111 2/4 BIGOTED 5E 44 157 2/4
4 COORSTU COOT 8A 29 -35 140 3/3 ECOTOURS 7H 64 221 2/4
5 DEEGNUY GEY 10D 32 -39 172 3/3 UNGREEDY N4 71 292 2/4
6 ?AEMRTW MAW(S) 10D 35 -47 207 2/3 WATERMA(N) D8 82 374 2/4
7 HIKNOTW WHOW 8A 44 -18 251 1/3 WHET 8L 62 436 2/4
8 AAKNRSV KARN O1 30 -9 281 2/3 KVAS O1 39 475 2/4
9 DEIOTUX DETOX 10B 64 -4 345 2/3 OXIDE O11 68 543 2/4
10 AEINNOR AROW 8A 26   371 2/3 ENOW 8A   569 2/4
11 AAFILMT TIFT 10D 31 -8 402 2/3 FALAJ 4D 39 608 2/4
12 AAILPRU PAR N13 22 -109 424 3/3 PLA(N)URIA 15A 131 739 2/4
13 ABCIINT CIT 6J 32   456 2/3       771 2/4
14 AEGINRV GAR N13 19 -46 475 2/3 AVERRING 12A 65 836 2/4
15 EIMNRST MET N13 22 -39 497 3/3 MISENTER A2 61 897 2/4
16 ABEEINP NAPED 6D 34 -1 531 1/3 NEAPED 6C 35 932 2/4

Total: 531/932 or -401 for 56.97%
Rank: 6647

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