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Game sheet of iwhist (file), Game of September 27, 2011 at 01:50

Word find
Word played
1 NOOPSUV SNOOP H8 20   20 2/4       20 2/4
2 EGLNNOS LONGS 13D 16 -67 36 1/3 LONGNESS 8A 83 103 1/4
3 AELOPRS PROPELS 12H 22 -61 58 3/3 REPOSALL A1 83 186 2/4
4 BELMNOY BOY B4 35 -62 93 3/3 BENOMYL 13C 97 283 2/4
5 AEFGHRS FAH 14D 37 -18 130 1/2 GERAH 14B 55 338 1/4
6 ?CIJRTX (O)X B5 50 -10 180 2/2 X(E)ROTIC 11E 60 398 1/4
7 AEELNOT NOTA 15A 27 -6 207 1/2 TOLAN 15A 33 431 1/4
8 AEEEHIS EH 10E 34   241 1/2 AH 10E   465 1/4
9 ?EFITUV EF B1 22 -43 263 1/2 F(R)UCTIVE K8 65 530 1/4
10 AEFNTUY             FAY B2 37 567 1/4
11 DEEIRST             ESTRIDGE D2 70 637 1/4
12 ADEIKUW             EWKED 15K 51 688 1/4
13 EIMRTUV             VITREUMS G1 67 755 1/4
14 ABEEIRT             REBAITED O8 86 841 1/5
15 AEGIIJW             JIVE 1E 42 883 1/5

Total: 263/883 or -620 for 29.78%
Rank: 6089

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