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Game sheet of lesft (file), Game of September 28, 2011 at 16:43

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEIKNU KNI(T) H8 14 -66 14 2/2 UNA(L)IKE H7 80 80 2/2
2 CDDENOR DUNCE 7G 11 -54 25 2/2 UNCORDED 7H 65 145 3/3
3 IORSTVZ ZEROS 13G 25 -17 50 3/3 DZOS O7 42 187 2/4
4 EFHIMOR HEM 13G 15 -20 65 3/3 HOMIER N9 35 222 2/4
5 AAAENPY PEN 13M 10 -22 75 2/2 PYE M12 32 254 2/4
6 ?AFGILO GOOF K5 16 -64 91 2/2 GAIRFO(W)L L4 80 334 2/4
7 DILORTY             IDOLATRY 5H 74 408 2/4
8 ACEGNNS             ENCASING 11C 72 480 2/4
9 AAEISTW             STEWY O1 45 525 2/5
10 AEIMQRT             QAT 4H 48 573 2/5
11 ABDELNO             BLANCOED E7 63 636 2/5
12 AHOPSUW             WHAUPS 15H 60 696 2/6
13 AEEGIOT             TEAGLE 8A 27 723 2/6
14 AEMORTV             OVERTAME B1 80 803 2/6

Total: 91/803 or -712 for 11.33%
Rank: 3133

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