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Game sheet of PIThompson (file), Game of September 28, 2011 at 18:11

Word find
Word played
1 AEKRTTU KRAUT H4 28   28 1/5 KURTA H4   28 1/5
2 AEEFIRV AFIRE I2 22 -4 50 2/5 KEAVIE 4H 26 54 1/5
3 AFMORTT FAR 3M 22 -4 72 1/6 AFRO 3L 26 80 1/6
4 ?AGGSTW STOWAG(E) O1 42   114 1/6       122 1/6
5 ?AIOSTX TOXI(N)S 8J 93   207 1/6 TAXO(R)S 8J   215 1/6
6 INOORRS NIS 9K 18 -48 225 2/6 ORARIONS K6 66 281 1/6
7 DEHILLU HIE J10 31   256 1/6       312 1/6
8 ABDEJMN JET J6 53 -5 309 2/6 JOBNAME M7 58 370 1/6
9 AAEEPST SAP 14M 29 -34 338 2/6 ASEPTATE 7B 63 433 1/6
10 EFGILNT NEIF 8A 46 -43 384 2/6 FELTINGS 1H 89 522 2/6
11 DEILNOY YIELD N10 55   439 1/6       577 1/7
12 BDEGIOT BITO 6B 30 -44 469 1/7 BODGIEST C1 74 651 1/7
13 ACINORU COBIA 1A 30 -38 499 2/7 NOCTURIA F4 68 719 1/7
14 DEHILMO HAEM B6 32 -18 531 6/7 METH 8A 50 769 1/7

Total: 531/769 or -238 for 69.05%
Rank: 7386

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