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Game sheet of leobill (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 05:00

Word find
Word played
1 ?BFLRUZ             ZURF(S) H4 52 52  
2 AEEIRTT TEAZE 4E 14 -60 14 2/2 ITERATE(S) 8A 74 126 2/2
3 CEINOST CITES F6 15 -63 29 1/1 ICESTONE C6 78 204 1/2
4 ADEIOPW WATE F6 15 -22 44 1/1 WIPED B2 37 241 1/2
5 BIJORST JOTS F6 27 -18 71 1/1 JOB A1 45 286 1/2
6 EILORSU RUSE 14A 19 -51 90 1/1 SOILURE 14C 70 356 1/2
7 AAAMNOU MORN H12 27 -5 117 1/1 ZAMAN 4H 32 388 1/2
8 BDEGIPT             BETID 3I 37 425 1/2
9 ?EEENTV             EVENE(S)T 15I 82 507 1/2
10 CINORRS             TRICORNS 10C 68 575 1/2
11 DFGIPSU             FIG 2J 38 613 1/2
12 AADIMNO             RADIOMAN 6H 67 680 1/2
13 ADEHLRT             HANDLER O4 45 725 1/2
14 AEEGOVW             WEAVE 13I 40 765 1/2

Total: 117/765 or -648 for 15.29%
Rank: 4169

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