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Game sheet of jeff (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 15:30

Word find
Word played
1 ADIMOSU MAIDS H4 22 -2 22 1/3 ODIUMS H8 24 24 1/3
2 EOOORUY MOORY 12H 20   42 1/3       44 1/4
3 ?AELLOT TO(N)AL 11J 18 -60 60 2/3 (F)ELLATOR K5 78 122 2/4
4 AEFNNSS FLANES 8J 30 -30 90 1/4 NAF(F)NESS 5H 60 182 1/4
5 ?AEEFIT FATES O1 27 -53 117 2/3 SAFETIE(S) O5 80 262 2/4
6 AIINORV RAVIN H1 27 -3 144 1/3 VIRINO H1 30 292 2/4
7 AEGGHPV SHE N5 32 -18 176 2/4 PHAGE N10 50 342 2/4
8 AEIMORT SMIT N5 29 -50 205 1/4 ATOMISER 13C 79 421 2/4
9 BCELNTY BY 14E 34 -1 239 2/3 SYEN N5 35 456 2/4
10 ABEEHNN BAH 12C 29 -9 268 2/3 HEBEN 12A 38 494 2/4
11 AENTVWZ HAZE A12 48   316 3/4       542 2/5
12 ADKQRSU QUIRKS 2F 49 -49 365 2/3 DIQUARKS 2G 98 640 2/5
13 CDORTTU OD B14 31   396 1/2       671 2/5
14 CCDEIPR RIPE 3H 25 -5 421 2/3 KREEP M2 30 701 2/5

Total: 421/701 or -280 for 60.05%
Rank: 7113

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