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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 23:55

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEGNRS GEN(D)ERS H4 18 -50 18 3/4 ENR(A)GES H8 68 68 3/4
2 ADHINQT QIS 14F 32   50 4/4       100 3/4
3 AEIRRRT TERRIER 13G 21 -57 71 2/4 TERR(A)RIA 11D 78 178 2/4
4 CEEILST CITES 12A 26 -48 97 1/4 TESTICLE D8 74 252 2/4
5 ADINOUY YODE 15A 24 -3 121 2/3 DOYEN 15A 27 279 2/4
6 DEGOSWZ ZOL 14B 51   172 2/4       330 2/4
7 BEGIRST BERGS 10J 28 -1 200 1/5 BEGIRT 10J 29 359 2/5
8 ?AIOOUV OVAT(E) O7 21 -49 221 4/4 OVARIOU(S) N7 70 429 2/5
9 AADEINO DIVE 8L 30 -10 251 2/4 DANCE 13A 40 469 2/5
10 EGMNOPW WOVE 8L 42   293 3/4       511 2/5
11 FINORSU FORTIS 8A 27 -18 320 3/4 FRIS O12 45 556 3/5
12 AFLMOST OF M12 28 -63 348 1/4 FLOTSAM C3 91 647 3/5
13 AAEGHLM MEATH 8A 30 -3 378 1/4 GLEAM D1 33 680 3/5
14 ELNOPTY PONGY 1A 33 -70 411 1/4 POLYTENE O1 103 783 3/5

Total: 411/783 or -372 for 52.49%
Rank: 6375

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