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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of October 3, 2011 at 11:45

Word find
Word played
1 DEGHNOV             HOVED H4 32 32  
2 ABINNST BINTS 3D 21 -49 21 4/6 ANTISNOB 5B 70 102 6/6
3 ?ILSSUW SWIL(L)S 3H 37 -31 58 1/6 LAWSUI(T)S B4 68 170 4/6
4 AALPRTY PUY 8A 24 -52 82 4/6 LAPTRAY I7 76 246 5/6
5 ABEFHOV             FAVE H12 56 302 5/6
6 ?EFORRT             RO(O)FTREE 15A 92 394 6/6
7 AEIILNZ             LATINIZE D3 86 480 6/6
8 AEGHIWX             EX A7 56 536 6/6
9 ADNOTWY             DAWN 11D 35 571 6/6
10 CEGNOST             GEOFACTS 12E 38 609 6/7
11 DEGINOT             HOGTIED 4H 28 637 6/7
12 EIKLMOR             MOKE A1 36 673 6/7
13 AGILNOT             GELATION M3 72 745 6/7
14 BDHIOQR             QI L8 44 789 6/7
15 AEIJNOR             JOE 14B 44 833 7/8
16 ABEEORU             BRAE 13C 36 869 7/8
17 DEIOPRU             PUDOR 2D 34 903 7/8
18 ACEIMNY             YINCE N10 49 952 7/8
19 AEHIMRU             HERMAI 1G 47 999 7/8

Total: 82/999 or -917 for 8.208%
Rank: -

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