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Game sheet of charmz (file), Game of October 13, 2011 at 07:25

Word find
Word played
1 ?AGHORU             ROUGH H8 26 26  
2 AILORUY             HOARILY 12H 26 52  
3 AENOTUU             ATONE 13G 24 76  
4 ABIOORT             BOYAR N10 32 108  
5 ?AEIIOS             (B)ROUGHTAS H7 36 144  
6 AAEMRSW             WASM 15L 50 194  
7 DEHIORT             THEROID O5 90 284  
8 ?FLLOTU             OUTF(A)LLS 15A 92 376  
9 AABMNOO             BAM 11J 29 405  
10 AEENPRY             PAYEE N2 33 438  
11 EIOPSTU             SPOUTIER 8A 83 521  
12 DIINNOR             NONDRIP B2 24 545  
13 EEGNQST GET O1 18 -12 18 2/3 QUEENS D7 30 575 3/3
14 DEFITVW FEW A1 34 -2 52 2/2   O1 36 611 3/3
15 ADEIKTV DAK M1 41 -1 93 2/2   M3 42 653 3/3
16 EGILNRT GLIT E5 21 -44 114 1/2 TIRELING F3 65 718 2/3
17 CEIINVZ ZINE A1 49   163 2/3       767 2/4
18 ACDGITU DA 14J 22 -14 185 1/3 IGAD L1 36 803 2/4
19 CEITUVV VITE E2 22 -14 207 1/3 UVEITIC 1G 36 839 2/4

Total: 207/839 or -632 for 24.67%
Rank: 7236

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