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Game sheet of MissDinty (file), Game of October 16, 2011 at 03:19

Word find
Word played
1 ??BCERS             (E)SCR(I)BE H2 74 74  
2 AEFNOTV             OVERFAT 5E 52 126  
3 ADELNTZ             LAZED 1D 81 207  
4 DEGINOR             GROINED C1 89 296  
5 IORSTTU             TOURIST B3 72 368  
6 ADEGNOO             DEGLAZED 1A 60 428  
7 ILLMOTU             MUTI A5 36 464  
8 AADEINY             DYNE 10A 35 499  
9 ABEINOS             BOTANISE K3 60 559  
10 CEIIRTY             RICEY 11K 42 601  
11 AEJKLRS RESALE N6 10 -54 10 4/4 JERKS N10 64 665 4/4
12 HIMNOPU BUM 3K 14 -33 24 4/4 HUMP J8 47 712 4/4
13 AAEGINW GIVEN F3 11 -58 35 4/4 WAINAGE G8 69 781 4/4
14 AAFHINR RAINS 14J 7 -38 42 4/4 FARINA H10 45 826 4/4
15 ELOOTUX             ULEX L1 46 872 4/4
16 AEEHOTW OE M4 12 -34 54 4/4 TOWHEE M3 46 918 4/4
17 ALOOQTV QUOTA 1K 42   96 2/4       960 4/4
18 AGIILNO ALIGN O1 8 -25 104 4/4 INLAY O7 33 993 4/4
19 GILOOPV OP O14 14 -11 118 4/4 OVOLI E7 25 1018 4/4

Total: 118/1018 or -900 for 11.59%
Rank: 3539

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