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Game sheet of nkcwezana (file), Game of October 18, 2011 at 11:34

Word find
Word played
1 ELNPSTU             PENULTS H4 74 74  
2 ?ABEORU             LABOURE(R) 8H 80 154  
3 EEFHMTT             THEFT 9H 35 189  
4 AEILMMR             MESAL 10F 28 217  
5 DEEINRR             REINDEER N2 76 293  
6 AEGILNO             (R)EGIONAL O8 79 372  
7 DEIMNTT             MITTENED 5D 94 466  
8 BDEORSY             BOYED 4A 39 505  
9 AENOOWY BONEY A4 30 -11 30 2/4 YOW 3B 41 546 5/5
10 AEILORU MAILER F10 10 -14 40 4/4 BOREAL A4 24 570 5/5
11 AAGINOS             AGNOSIA B9 76 646 5/6
12 AEKPRVZ             PEAK A12 68 714 6/6
13 ?CIIORU             C(H)ORIA 14J 26 740 6/6
14 EFGIQTX             XI 6J 53 793 6/6
15 CDEIOST             DEMOTICS F8 69 862 6/6
16 AHJNQRU             JA E11 38 900 6/6
17 GINSUVV             VUGS D12 30 930 6/6
18 HINQRUW             SUQ 15F 36 966 6/6
19 AHIRTVW             WHARVE 3I 38 1004 6/6

Total: 40/1004 or -964 for 3.984%
Rank: -

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