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Game sheet of ginalee (file), Game of October 18, 2011 at 13:54

Word find
Word played
1 LORSTYZ STORY H8 24 -32 24 3/3 ZLOTYS H4 56 56 3/3
2 AAEIOPT PLATE 5G 14 -22 38 3/3 ZAPATEO 4H 36 92 3/3
3 EEINNRS SINNER O4 41 -41 79 1/3 ANSERINE K4 82 174 3/3
4 AIIMNOS MANS O1 41 -6 120 3/3 SIMIAN O4 47 221 3/3
5 DDELORW LOWERED M1 26 -12 146 2/2 WOODED N2 38 259 2/3
6 ?EEKMRS (S)EEKS 12K 26 -59 172 2/3 KERMES(S) 12F 85 344 2/3
7 ACDNNRU RUND H12 15 -10 187 3/3 CADE M1 25 369 2/3
8 ?ADITUW TRAW(L) H11 21 -15 208 3/3 WI(N)DAC 1H 36 405 2/3
9 BINOPTU             OUBIT 13C 25 430 3/3
10 AEFHINU             FAINE 14F 39 469 3/3
11 EILORTX TEX 15H 47   255 2/3       516 3/3
12 EHJLOTU JOE 2F 31 -10 286 3/3 JEHU M11 41 557 3/3
13 LNOOTUV JUT 11M 10 -18 296 3/3 VULN 12A 28 585 3/3
14 EGHNORU HO N10 22 -73 318 3/3 HUNGOVER A7 95 680 3/3
15 AEIPQRT QUIP 14L 30 -9 348 2/2 QAT B6 39 719 3/3
16 AEGIIOT GATE 2E 12 -18 360 3/3 TIGE C5 30 749 3/4
17 AILOPRV             PARVO D1 28 777 3/4
18 ACEGILO             CALIGO E5 28 805 3/4
19 BEFILOR             FIB F8 32 837 3/4

Total: 360/837 or -477 for 43.01%
Rank: 5625

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