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Game sheet of Zweep (file), Game of October 19, 2011 at 01:17

Word find
Word played
1 EFGIOTY             FOGEY H8 32 32  
2 ADEIRVY             DERAY I5 28 60  
3 ADEIKLO             LAIKED H1 54 114  
4 EILMNNS             LINESMEN 11E 90 204  
5 AAINRSV             SAVARIN 13H 85 289  
6 DELNRSU             NURDLES O7 88 377  
7 BEFILOU FE J6 30 -50 30 1/2 BIOFUELED 5A 80 457 2/2
8 ?BEOPRZ BRO(N)ZE A5 48 -26 78 2/2 BRO(M)IZE B1 74 531 2/2
9 CEHIPRT HEP A7 29 -70 107 2/2 PITCHER A7 99 630 2/2
10 AEMNOST STEAM 14A 29 -49 136 2/2 MISATONE 3G 78 708 2/2
11 ?EEEIPR PE(S) 2J 23 -61 159 2/2 (S)EEPIER 14A 84 792 2/2
12 AAHIOTV HAT 2J 31 -8 190 2/2 OHIA B9 39 831 2/2
13 ACINOTW WIT C9 34 -17 224 2/2 COWAN C7 51 882 2/2
14 GIOQTTX QI N6 33 -12 257 1/2 GOX 4J 45 927 2/2
15 AGIOTVW VAW 2L 43   300 1/3       970 2/3
16 DIJOQTT QI N6 33   333 1/3       1003 2/3
17 AGIJTTT JAG J2 27 -12 360 3/3 JIG M7 39 1042 2/3
18 ADOTTTU ABOUT 1A 24 -5 384 1/2 OUD A1 29 1071 2/3

Total: 384/1071 or -687 for 35.85%
Rank: 6396

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