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Game sheet of Stranger (file), Game of October 23, 2011 at 08:58

Word find
Word played
1 ACDEOTY COYED H4 28 -4 28 3/3 CYTODE H3 32 32 3/3
2 ?EEFNRS F(A)STENER 5E 40 -50 68 2/4     90 122 2/4
3 DEEILSV VISED M3 33 -33 101 2/4 SNIVELED J4 66 188 2/4
4 ?ACEEIR CA(S)E M3 20 -70 121 3/3 CERA(M)IDE 11D 90 278 2/4
5 BEGHORS SHE L11 23 -15 144 5/5 BOSH 12A 38 316 3/5
6 ADEEINS DIES 13B 25 -54 169 2/3 ANISEED L8 79 395 3/5
7 BEHILMW BLEW A12 27 -22 196 3/3 WHELM 13B 49 444 3/5
8 ADELRTY RAYED 14D 43 -46 239 1/3 LYRATED 10A 89 533 3/5
9 GIJNOQT JOL A8 30 -17 269 2/3 JINGO 4A 47 580 3/5
10 AAINORR NA 14B 22 -14 291 1/3 RIOJA A1 36 616 3/5
11 FILOPRT SPORT 4J 22 -10 313 1/3 FIREPOT 13I 32 648 3/5
12 AAEIMTU             AMATE 14E 32 680 3/5
13 AGINOUU             GONIA 15G 33 713 3/5
14 BGIOUVW             WOUBIT O8 36 749 3/5
15 IOPRTTX             OX N9 52 801 3/5
16 AKPRTUU             KAPUT 15A 39 840 3/5
17 AGILRTV             TRIAL B2 22 862 3/5
18 GINQUVZ             (A)QUIVER F5 38 900 3/5

Total: 313/900 or -587 for 34.77%
Rank: 5393

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