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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of October 23, 2011 at 16:41

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEKNST KEEN(E)ST H4 80   80 1/3 KNE(S)SET H4   80 1/3
2 AEEGORT GREEK 4D 20 -12 100 1/3 GRANTEE 5E 32 112 1/3
3 AAHNSTU HAUNTS 11C 29 -5 129 3/3   6J 34 146 1/3
4 ?DFILMR SMIL(E)D O6 24 -45 153 1/2 MIDL(I)FER 9B 69 215 1/3
5 AAEHNSW WASHES O4 48   201 3/3 WASHEN O4   263 1/5
6 ADLORTY YA 8A 19 -55 220 3/3 DILATORY C8 74 337 1/5
7 EEILPTV PLY 15A 24 -14 244 1/3 PRIEVE 14B 38 375 1/5
8 EIOQRSU RISQUE 15G 50 -1 294 2/3 SQUIRE J9 51 426 1/5
9 AEOORUZ ZED 8A 43 -8 337 3/4 ZOOEA 4A 51 477 1/6
10 AFIJSTX XIS 15H 46 -6 383 4/5 JAYS 15A 52 529 1/7
11 CENOOPW NOW 15G 20 -28 403 5/5 COOZE A1 48 577 1/7
12 ABDEINR BAD 15H 35 -45 438 3/4 BANDIER N8 80 657 1/7
13 ACDFLOT FOLD 15G 46 -3 484 1/5 FADO H12 49 706 1/7
14 BCGINTU BUTT 12A 18 -14 502 5/5 BUDI 8A 32 738 1/7
15 CILNOVW OWL 2A 12 -22 514 5/5 OVONIC 2A 34 772 1/7
16 ELOTUWY TEW O13 22 -8 536 5/5 YOW M13 30 802 1/7
17 AGIINRU NAG O13 21 -3 557 1/5 AIRING L9 24 826 1/7
18 EGILMPT             TEMPING M1 28 854 1/7

Total: 557/854 or -297 for 65.22%
Rank: 6904

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