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Game sheet of churchill (file), Game of October 27, 2011 at 12:22

Word find
Word played
1 GINOSUY YOUNGS H4 28   28 2/2 YOGINS H4   28 2/2
2 EGINPST POSTING 5G 20 -52 48 1/2 PONGIEST 5G 72 100 1/2
3 AIKLLNO KILT N2 16 -18 64 2/2 NAIK 4L 34 134 2/2
4 ACDEHIT CHIK O1 39 -32 103 3/3 SCAITHED 9H 71 205 2/3
5 ?AAALLN LANK O1 24 -7 127 2/3 A(S)ANA 8K 31 236 2/3
6 DEEGILT GEEK O1 27 -2 154 1/3 GLEED 3I 29 265 2/3
7 DEPRRSU PERK O1 30 -50 184 2/3 SPURRED F5 80 345 2/3
8 BEIMRUU BERK O1 30   214 2/3 MERK O1   375 2/3
9 AEIORWY AIRWAY K8 24 -18 238 2/4 YAW 10L 42 417 2/4
10 AMORVWZ             MOZE 2L 41 458 2/4
11 AILNOUU (S)TYLO L8 14 -12 252 1/4 INULA 1H 26 484 2/4
12 BDEINOO BONED 11B 16 -17 268 3/4 BINDER 8A 33 517 2/4
13 EHOOORT THE 11J 18 -17 286 3/4 HET 7M 35 552 2/4
14 ?BCIIRR BRI(E) 11I 15 -61 301 1/4 RIC(E)BIRD D1 76 628 2/4
15 EJLOVWX             WEX E10 37 665 2/4
16 EFLOSTV FLORET 1A 27 -16 328 2/4 FELTS D11 43 708 2/4
17 AEJLORV SLAVER 15D 27 -45 355 3/4 TOLARJEV 14D 72 780 2/4
18 EFIOTUU FORT H12 33   388 1/5       813 2/5
19 AIOOQTU QUIT B6 33 -12 421 4/5 QUARTO 1A 45 858 2/5
20 EIOOOUV VIES 15A 21   442 2/5 EVOS 15A   879 2/5

Total: 442/879 or -437 for 50.28%
Rank: 6343

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