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Game sheet of denbay (file), Game of October 27, 2011 at 23:46

Word find
Word played
1 EGINNTW TWINE H4 18 -10 18 1/1 TWINGE H3 28 28 1/1
2 ?DEEELQ LEND 6F 7 -21 25 1/1 EQ(U)ID 5E 28 56 1/1
3 ?AEORSV ROVES 9D 20 -64 45 1/1 OV(E)RSEA J1 84 140 1/1
4 AEFPTTW TWO 1H 18 -14 63 1/1 FETWA 4A 32 172 1/1
5 AELOPST FEAST A4 24 -48 87 1/1 APOSTLE 9E 72 244 1/1
6 AADEIMN DEAF A1 24 -15 111 1/1 INFAMED A2 39 283 1/1
7 EEINORT TENOR K8 10 -50 121 1/1 TENORITE C4 60 343 1/1
8 AGNOORT GROAN 1H 21 -17 142 1/1 TOERAG B2 38 381 1/1
9 EIIMOPS MOPES L5 20 -16 162 1/1 SPOOM 1H 36 417 1/1
10 BEKLNOT BETEL K8 14 -26 176 1/1 BLOKE 8K 40 457 1/1
11 AIORRTZ ZOO M7 23 -14 199 1/1 KAZI N8 37 494 1/1
12 ACDENTY ACED E9 14 -27 213 1/1 TYNDE O11 41 535 1/1
13 BCGILRU BUILD 14K 16 -18 229 1/1 LUBRIC B9 34 569 1/1
14 ACEGHIY CAGEY E8 22 -10 251 1/1 BEACHY K8 32 601 1/1
15 AIORSUU SIRE 15L 5 -35 256 1/1 HORSY 12K 40 641 1/1
16 DEIJNRX JINXED 13A 42   298 1/1       683 1/1
17 AGHILNU GUILE 15K 7 -42 305 1/1 ANIGH 12D 49 732 1/1
18 EFILORU HIRE H12 21 -55 326 1/1 OUTR(E)LIEF 3F 76 808 1/1

Total: 326/808 or -482 for 40.34%
Rank: 4405

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