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Game sheet of cailah (file), Game of December 1, 2011 at 13:56

Word find
Word played
1 ABEEFGT BEAT H5 12 -10 12 3/3 BEGET H4 22 22 3/3
2 ?AEIPRS REPAI(R)S G7 18 -68 30 3/3 TRAIPSE(S) 8H 86 108 3/3
3 EIKNNSS SINKS M8 10 -88 40 4/4 INKINESS K5 98 206 3/4
4 ADINTUV             VIAND L1 29 235 4/4
5 AABILRT             ARBALIST 12E 72 307 4/4
6 ?AGIUUX             GUA(N)XI H10 39 346 4/4
7 DEFLMOR             FOILED 2J 36 382 4/4
8 CEHINOT             INCHOATE E7 76 458 4/4
9 ACEILRT             (S)ELICTAR O8 86 544 4/4
10 AEGITUW             WAITE J10 33 577 4/4
11 ADHMOOS             ODAHS 15A 53 630 4/4
12 AEGLNOY             EDGY O1 39 669 4/4
13 EFLNOTV             REF F12 29 698 4/4
14 IOORTUW             WOT 14A 25 723 4/4
15 AMOPRRZ             AZO N13 50 773 4/4
16 IIJLNOU             JUG 6F 27 800 4/4
17 AEIMORU             MARRI I5 28 828 4/4
18 DILMORU             MODULI 1E 32 860 4/4
19 EENRUVY             VENEY 2B 55 915 4/4
20 NOOPQRU             QUEP N6 39 954 4/4

Total: 40/954 or -914 for 4.192%
Rank: -

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