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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of December 2, 2011 at 08:13

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEFITV FIVE(S) H4 28 -54 28 1/2 FE(S)TIVE H7 82 82 1/2
2 AEGINOT VINTAGE 12H 22   50 1/2       104 1/2
3 ?ADHNRR HAR(E)D O8 45 -36 95 1/3 R(E)HARDEN 13B 81 185 1/3
4 AAEFGNR RAGE O12 31 -15 126 2/2 AGRAFE O10 46 231 1/3
5 AEOOSTZ SEZ N8 63   189 1/3       294 1/3
6 GILORRS GROSS 8K 21 -2 210 3/3 LOGINS J8 23 317 1/4
7 AEEINOS NOSE 8L 15 -8 225 3/3 SENA 12A 23 340 1/4
8 DEILMNN MISE 8L 27 -3 252 1/4 MILDENS A6 30 370 1/6
9 AEOSTWY WASE 8L 33 -22 285 1/4 SWEATY B1 55 425 1/6
10 AEIKOPR ASK 8M 21 -27 306 5/5 KORAI O4 48 473 1/7
11 ABINORU OAR A1 22 -48 328 2/5 TABOURIN 5B 70 543 1/7
12 BHINOPT HOER B10 30 -12 358 1/5 TOPHI H1 42 585 1/7
13 ILMNTUX MUX F4 28 -11 386 3/4 UNMIX K5 39 624 1/7
14 CIOPRTW OW N14 25 -13 411 2/5 CAPOT 4A 38 662 1/7
15 BDEEOOT OB N14 22 -11 433 1/4 DSOBO 1A 33 695 1/7
16 EJLRTUU JET L3 22 -8 455 3/5 JERK 4L 30 725 1/8
17 ADEILOV DIV 11D 21 -10 476 2/4 IVIED 11H 31 756 1/8
18 CEELOTW OW N14 25 -9 501 1/5 EPACT C3 34 790 1/8
19 AELQUWY QUERY F10 45 -6 546 2/3 FE(S)TIVELY H7 51 841 1/8
20 AEIILOW OW N14 25 -3 571 1/5 LOWRIE N1 28 869 1/8

Total: 571/869 or -298 for 65.70%
Rank: 7031

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