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Game sheet of tonikay (file), Game of December 6, 2011 at 13:10

Word find
Word played
1 ACEGORR CORE H6 12 -10 12 2/2 CORREA H4 22 22 2/2
2 AGILNST GAITS 10D 17 -69 29 2/2 SALTOING 5D 86 108 2/2
3 AABLNSY BAY 4C 25 -7 54 1/2 ARSY 6G 32 140 2/2
4 ?KMNOPQ POK(E) 4C 29 -21 83 1/2 QOP(H)S D1 50 190 2/2
5 AEHINOO HOE C2 26 -1 109 1/2 RHEA 7H 27 217 1/2
6 CEGINRT GRIPT 3A 16 -70 125 2/2 GENTRICE 8A 86 303 1/2
7 ?AEJOPR JOE C2 38 -48 163 2/3 PEJORA(T)E B7 86 389 1/3
8 ADEILLS DEAL A12 29 -66 192 3/3 DALLIES 15B 95 484 1/3
9 ABGILOT GLOBI 8K 30 -35 222 1/3 OBLIGATO 2D 65 549 1/3
10 DEEEIKW AD K7 3 -50 225 3/3 EWKED 8K 53 602 2/3
11 AINOTUV ITA 9M 16 -13 241 3/3 UTOPIAN 3A 29 631 2/3
12 DEFHOTW HOWE 3I 30 -29 271 2/2 WHEFT 1K 59 690 2/3
13 ABENRSY BAY A12 24 -46 295 2/2 BARNEYS 14G 70 760 2/3
14 EEFIRVZ FEZ 13L 42 -10 337 1/2 ZARF 12A 52 812 1/3
15 DIMNOUU MOUND 13K 29 -9 366 1/2 DUOMI 15K 38 850 1/3
16 DEEIOUV VOE 13H 18 -9 384 2/2 DUE 1G 27 877 1/3
17 EEIMNOV MOVE 13F 26 -10 410 1/2 OVUM A1 36 913 1/3
18 EINOTUV VOE 13H 18 -45 428 3/4 INDEVOUT O6 63 976 1/5

Total: 428/976 or -548 for 43.85%
Rank: 5091

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