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Game sheet of iwhist (file), Game of December 8, 2011 at 00:59

Word find
Word played
1 DEHMOPR HOMED H4 30 -58 30 1/2 MORPHED H8 88 88 1/2
2 AEIIRST             SERIATIM 8A 83 171 2/2
3 ??FIOST F(E)(E) I9 21 -73 51 2/3 S(H)OP(L)IFT 11E 94 265 2/3
4 ADEJLNO JADED 14F 34 -10 85 1/3 JOLTED L8 44 309 2/3
5 ABBKORX BOX M7 49 -3 134 1/3 RAX 10H 52 361 2/3
6 AGIILOU JAIL 8L 33 -39 167 1/3 OLIGURIA C3 72 433 2/3
7 AEGIKTT JAKE 8L 45 -9 212 2/3 KATTI B10 54 487 1/3
8 DEILORZ RIZ G7 44 -42 256 1/3 IDOLIZER 5C 86 573 1/3
9 AENOORT JANE 8L 33 -12 289 1/4 NERTZ H1 45 618 1/4
10 DEGMORV DOME B1 20 -15 309 3/4 VOLED 4A 35 653 1/4
11 BELNOPV JOBE 8L 39 -1 348 1/4 ENVELOP 2H 40 693 1/4
12 AABENQS JABS 8L 39 -13 387 1/4 BEANS K1 52 745 1/4
13 AAHNNOT HOT 1M 27 -15 414 1/4 JOHN 8L 42 787 1/4
14 AAFGIRU FOG 9G 27 -1 441 1/3 FAG 3M 28 815 1/4
15 AAEGIST GAS 11A 14 -26 455 2/3 TEGGS O1 40 855 1/4
16 AEIMQRY QI A14 44   499 2/4       899 1/4
17 ACEENRY COY M7 24 -15 523 3/4 CARVY A1 39 938 1/4
18 ABCENRU COB M7 20 -5 543 1/5 BA(L)ER I9 25 963 1/5
19 AEMNUUU MANE M12 22   565 2/4 MEAN M12   985 1/5
20 ACENUUW WE N13 21 -6 586 3/4 NUANCE 15J 27 1012 1/5
21 EIUUWWY WOW M7 26 -5 612 1/3 YOWIE 9K 31 1043 1/5

Total: 612/1043 or -431 for 58.67%
Rank: 7049

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