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Game sheet of dabbler (file), Game of December 27, 2011 at 14:07

Word find
Word played
1 ?DELMNP             (I)MPLED H3 26 26  
2 ABHIILR             MIHRAB 4H 26 52  
3 AADEIRT             RADIATE 2H 85 137  
4 BDENOSU             REBOUNDS K4 94 231  
5 AFIRSTZ             ZARF 1L 103 334  
6 AEEORST STEREO N4 22 -44 22 1/3 ROSEATE G7 66 400 3/3
7 ?GJKNTY JUK(I)NG 8J 66   88 1/3       466 3/3
8 AEMPSVX SEX N4 40 -21 128 2/3 MAXES H11 61 527 3/3
9 ACERTTT TRACE 1E 65 -59 193 1/4 TETRACT 1C 124 651 3/4
10 DEHINPW HIP F13 23 -31 216 4/4 WHID F10 54 705 3/5
11 AGLNOWY AGLOW E7 48 -53 264 2/4 LONGWAYS 15A 101 806 3/5
12 EEINOOP OPEN F5 19 -9 283 2/4 PENIE 2B 28 834 3/5
13 AGIOORS GAS E9 32 -6 315 2/4 ORGIAS E6 38 872 3/5
14 CLNOTUV CLUNG 8A 27   342 2/4       899 3/5
15 EILNOVY IVY F4 30 -3 372 1/5 RENVOY F1 33 932 3/6
16 EEFIOQT QI 7M 43   415 2/4       975 3/6
17 EFIOOTV FE 6N 27 -1 442 2/4 OOF 3A 28 1003 3/6
18 EILOTUV OLIVE L11 20 -6 462 2/4 INVOLUTE N7 26 1029 3/6

Total: 462/1029 or -567 for 44.89%
Rank: 7366

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