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Game sheet of Biddy (file), Game of December 31, 2011 at 02:27

Word find
Word played
1 AABCERT             ABREACT H7 78 78  
2 ACLNOTU             CALUTRON 9C 65 143  
3 DEGIMRW             ABREACTED H7 42 185  
4 ?ADEGIP             PEDALI(N)G E5 94 279  
5 ?DJLOQR             ROJA(K) D6 42 321  
6 AELOPRU             POULARDE 15B 62 383  
7 AEEGLMT             MELTAGE F1 82 465  
8 EFINRUY             REUNIFY I1 77 542  
9 DEHIOST             HOISTED K6 83 625  
10 AMNOOSS MOORS 1F 21 -15 21 2/4 MOORMAN 1F 36 661 3/4
11 AEIRSUX AXELS 3C 26 -34 47 3/4 IXIAS 8K 60 721 3/4
12 BEIOSYZ BOZO C12 30 -46 77 4/4 OYEZ 14C 76 797 4/4
13 ABDLNOR BRAND N6 18 -71 95 3/4 BANDROLS O1 89 886 3/4
14 EFINTVW VIEW M7 15 -16 110 4/4 FIVE L11 31 917 3/4
15 EGHINTW WEIGH 14K 24 -14 134 3/4 WHEEN 14J 38 955 3/4
16 EIKRTTU IRE 15K 23 -15 157 3/5 EUK N4 38 993 3/5
17 IIQSSTW QI M7 21 -24 178 4/5 WIST O12 45 1038 3/5
18 GIINQST QUINTS 3H 30   208 1/4       1068 3/5

Total: 208/1068 or -860 for 19.47%
Rank: 5333

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