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Game sheet of raggedy01 (file), Game of January 4, 2012 at 18:10

Word find
Word played
1 ?AADEGR GRA(N)DE H4 18 -52 18 3/3 AG(G)RADE H3 70 70 3/3
2 AEEILOY EYE I6 24 -6 42 2/3 ALEYE G6 30 100 2/3
3 BDEGSUY BED 10F 22 -20 64 3/3 BEYS F8 42 142 3/3
4 AENOOTX TAX I1 35 -3 99 2/3 EX I6 38 180 3/3
5 AAEFNRT EXERT I6 28 -2 127 4/4 TREF F3 30 210 3/4
6 AAINOPT PAINTS 11A 16 -12 143 4/4 PINATA E10 28 238 3/4
7 AHIIKNO             HAIKAI 15A 54 292 3/4
8 ?AAELOO LOOE(D) J2 13 -13 156 1/4 (T)ALAK D11 26 318 3/4
9 GIOQSTW QI C14 23 -7 179 3/4 QATS 14C 30 348 3/4
10 ELNORTW EXERT I6 28 -4 207 1/4 TRAWLNET 3F 32 380 3/4
11 IJNOSTU JOES L1 38 -42 245 3/4 UNJOINTS K2 80 460 2/4
12 EGNORRU             GEO L2 29 489 3/4
13 ADLNOUV OVAL L9 16 -10 261 2/3 VALOUR 4A 26 515 2/4
14 EEGHMSZ SEZ J8 36 -6 297 1/3 THEME 8K 42 557 2/4
15 CEFGINR HI L8 7 -75 304 3/3 REFACING B1 82 639 2/4
16 DEIMORU             ERODIUM J9 66 705 3/4
17 DEOPRTU OP A1 22 -136 326 2/3 PROTRUDE 1A 158 863 3/4
18 BDINNOO DOW I1 20 -10 346 2/3 DOMINO 15H 30 893 2/4
19 BCINOSZ ZINCS 13I 52 -32 398 2/3 ZINCOS N10 84 977 2/4

Total: 398/977 or -579 for 40.73%
Rank: 6002

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