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Game sheet of cailah (file), Game of January 5, 2012 at 14:43

Word find
Word played
1 ?AHOTTY TH(R)OATY H3 32 -50 32 2/4     82 82 2/4
2 AELPQRU AQUA 7H 23 -37 55 3/4 QUA(R)REL 5E 60 142 3/4
3 ABELNOV NAVAL 7G 13 -54 68 4/4 OVENABLE J3 67 209 3/4
4 ?AAIMUX MAXI(S) L1 47   115 2/4       256 3/4
5 AEINOPY             AYIN M1 43 299 4/4
6 DELNORT             ENTROLD G8 68 367 4/4
7 DEEIRTU             ETOURDIE 12E 70 437 4/4
8 CEILOOS             SCOLIOMA 1F 36 473 4/4
9 ABIOSUZ             DIAZOS 14G 36 509 4/4
10 ABEFOSU             OBAS 15H 41 550 4/5
11 AEEIKPR             BEAKER 8J 39 589 4/6
12 ACDEGHR             CREAGH 2A 53 642 4/6
13 EGINRUU             RENIG 6B 30 672 4/6
14 DINPSTU             SCUP A1 33 705 5/6
15 DEINUWW             WAYED 2K 29 734 6/7
16 DEGIIMN             IDEM O1 30 764 6/7
17 EGINOTT             GITTERN 11B 24 788 6/7
18 DFFINOV             DOFF 11K 30 818 6/7
19 IJNPUVW             JAUP D1 42 860 6/7

Total: 115/860 or -745 for 13.37%
Rank: -

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