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Game sheet of leobill (file), Game of January 8, 2012 at 15:07

Word find
Word played
1 BEIPQRZ PRIZE H4 38   38 2/2       38 2/2
2 ?AAISUY S(T)AY 9H 23 -55 61 2/2 YAU(T)IAS 9B 78 116 2/2
3 GIKLOST             KUTIS D8 28 144 2/2
4 ?AADEWW             WA(L)KED 8A 49 193 2/2
5 CEHLORT             CHORTLER 5E 102 295 2/2
6 EEGORVY             LEVOGYRE J5 75 370 2/2
7 DEFINOU             FOUND 4K 31 401 2/3
8 AEFHITW             WHEFT 12H 36 437 3/3
9 AELLNOX             ANNEX N2 56 493 3/3
10 ADENORR             OREAD 11I 29 522 3/3
11 DEIOORT             DRIED O4 32 554 3/3
12 AGILOST             OTALGIAS 2H 61 615 3/3
13 GIJMNOS             JINGO 1D 69 684 3/3
14 ABCINOR             BACON 2A 29 713 3/4
15 EEIILNS             NEELDS M7 24 737 3/4
16 AEMMRTU             MEM 13G 29 766 4/4
17 AAIORRT             ABATOR A1 27 793 4/4
18 ILNQRTU             QUINT C11 41 834 4/4
19 BEILRUV             UNLIVE 14B 38 872 4/4

Total: 61/872 or -811 for 6.995%
Rank: -

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