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Game sheet of hulusian (file), Game of January 18, 2012 at 07:13

Word find
Word played
1 ?ABDEGN             BAND(A)GE H4 76 76  
2 ?ACEOPR             CAPOE(I)R(A) 8A 83 159  
3 AEEISTY             GAYETIES 9H 64 223  
4 AEHIOSU             HUSBAND(A)GE H1 48 271  
5 AEFIOTV             FOVEATE E5 52 323  
6 ADFIORU             FIORDS O4 42 365  
7 EHIPRSV             VIPERISH M8 82 447  
8 AEILOTT             TOTALISE 14G 70 517  
9 ELNOOTU             THEN 15L 29 546  
10 AGILORU             GLORIA 15E 33 579  
11 BEMNNOR             UNBORNE 2H 30 609  
12 CIIMOST             COMITIAS B2 78 687  
13 AEKMNRU             AKE N5 37 724  
14 ADDELUW WADED 12C 35 -8 35 1/2   12A 43 767 2/2
15 ENQUWYZ QUEY J6 36 -15 71 1/2 QUEYN F2 51 818 2/2
16 ALLMNOU ALLONYM J4 20 -15 91 2/2 LOUMA 1K 35 853 2/2
17 GINUWXZ WINZE 11I 34 -6 125 1/2 XI C3 40 893 2/2
18 GILNRUW WING A12 24 -4 149 2/2 INGULF 4J 28 921 2/2

Total: 149/921 or -772 for 16.17%
Rank: 7595

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