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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of January 24, 2012 at 07:24

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEGLOP             PE(R)GOLA H4 74 74  
2 ?AHIILU             (S)HIAI 11H 23 97  
3 ABNOPSX             PAX 10J 39 136  
4 ELNORTU GLUTEN 7H 9 -19 9 1/1 TOXINE L8 28 164 2/2
5 AEILRUV REVEL 13K 16 -14 25 1/1 VEALIER 13G 30 194 1/2
6 DEEGRTU PUDGE 4H 18 -18 43 1/1 DETERGE 5E 36 230 1/2
7 AILRRST RAILS L1 22 -40 65 1/1 RETIRALS F4 62 292 1/2
8 ADNORSY YARDS L1 36   101 1/1 YADS 14I   328 1/2
9 GHIINOW WITHIN 8J 36   137 1/1       364 1/2
10 AEIMOOR AIMER 15F 30 -3 167 1/1 ROAMER 8A 33 397 1/2
11 BEGNOSZ ZONES 15F 51 -15 218 1/1 BONZES 15D 66 463 1/2
12 CEGJNOT JOINT N6 30 -24 248 1/1 JACONET C7 54 517 1/2
13 EMNRTUV VEIN N6 15 -27 263 2/2 MUTER B10 42 559 1/3
14 ACDEKLO KOA A13 30 -13 293 1/1 AKED A12 43 602 1/3
15 BEFGINO BEING N6 18 -13 311 1/1 FINGER 4A 31 633 1/3
16 EFOOSVY YOOFS L1 40   351 1/2       673 1/4
17 CDEINTU CUNDY 1H 33 -32 384 1/2 EDUCTION 2F 65 738 1/5
18 ABLOUVW AVOW 1C 19 -13 403 2/3 YOWL 1L 32 770 1/5
19 ABIQUUV QI 3B 37 -5 440 2/3 QUA 3B 42 812 1/5

Total: 440/812 or -372 for 54.18%
Rank: 6602

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