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Game sheet of love4life (file), Game of January 24, 2012 at 11:12

Word find
Word played
1 DEIINUW             INDEW H8 26 26  
2 ?ABEEUX BEE 11G 5 -62 5 1/1 BEAUXI(T)E 8C 67 93 1/1
3 ?GINQRT             QU(I)RTING F7 73 166 1/1
4 AENRSST             SARSNET K5 95 261 1/1
5 AADENPS GAPED 14F 13 -23 18 1/1 APNEAS 6A 36 297 1/1
6 IIMNRTY             MINISTRY 5G 63 360 1/1
7 ADLNOOT GOD 14F 5 -22 23 1/1 ONLOAD 4C 27 387 1/1
8 AFILLRY FAIL A5 21 -30 44 1/1 FRAILLY A4 51 438 1/1
9 AEKLOSU YOKE N5 13 -52 57 1/1 KAGOULES 14D 65 503 1/1
10 ABIIOTW             BOWAT 15A 42 545 1/1
11 ACERRTV             VERDIT H1 30 575 1/1
12 EEFGHOU             HOE 15H 37 612 1/1
13 CCDEHIO             HOED 3C 33 645 1/1
14 CEFIPUZ             FIZ J4 66 711 1/1
15 AEGGMOU             OMEGA 2B 41 752 1/1
16 ACGIOPU             PUCKA D11 26 778 1/1
17 DEIJOTU             JEDI 13J 36 814 1/1
18 ACEGIOV             CIVET L1 26 840 1/1
19 AGIORTU             GRAYOUT N2 26 866 1/1

Total: 57/866 or -809 for 6.581%
Rank: 2464

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