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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of January 25, 2012 at 07:08

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEHOPU             EUPH(R)OE H2 78 78  
2 ACCLNUY             YUCA G3 34 112  
3 EEILORU             CHEERIO 5G 24 136  
4 ?EFGGHO             HO(O)F 4L 38 174  
5 AEEGNRZ             FEAZE O4 51 225  
6 ILLQSTU             QUILLETS 8C 68 293  
7 BCIMOPS             COMBS 9K 32 325  
8 ADEIORW             DEAW 3J 34 359  
9 EGNORTT CONGER K9 18 -50 18 1/2 OTTERING E3 68 427 2/2
10 EILOTVV VOTE D1 28 -4 46 1/2 VOTIVE L8 32 459 2/2
11 AEEFINT FE 6J 28   74 1/2       487 2/2
12 BENNOTU BONE D1 24 -4 98 1/2 BENTO 2B 28 515 2/2
13 AAINNNS SAIN 11E 30 -8 128 2/3 NANAS 1A 38 553 2/3
14 ADINRRT RAD 3A 21 -13 149 1/3 QINDAR C8 34 587 2/3
15 ADIMNOP MAP 3A 29 -40 178 1/2 DOPAMINE 13E 69 656 2/3
16 ADGJRUW JAGA H12 60   238 1/2       716 2/3
17 AIKLLRT TAK 3A 33   271 1/2       749 2/3
18 DILORSW SLOW 14C 48   319 1/3       797 1/3
19 DEGIRXY EX D11 39   358 2/2       836 1/3
20 DGIIIRY BY N9 15 -5 373 1/2 CIG K9 20 856 1/3
21 DILRRUY GID 14H 20 -10 393 2/2 BUIRDLY N9 30 886 1/3

Total: 393/886 or -493 for 44.35%
Rank: 7876

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