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Game sheet of mazscot (file), Game of January 28, 2012 at 19:23

Word find
Word played
1 AEIMNOT MEANT H4 20 -54 20 2/2 AMNIOTE H3 74 74 2/2
2 AEGLRTT             AGLITTER 6E 65 139 2/2
3 ?CEHOUV VOUCHE(S) 10B 89   109 1/2       228 1/2
4 ADEGLYZ             GLAZY A8 81 309 2/2
5 ACDEENS RECANED L6 26 -48 135 1/2 REASCEND L6 74 383 2/2
6 AEORSWX WAXER 8K 45   180 1/3 WAXES 8K   428 1/3
7 BDIILNO BOIL K11 25   205 1/3       453 1/3
8 AEGIJNO JAG E5 22 -20 227 1/2 JAIL G3 42 495 1/3
9 ABDGOTU JABOT 3G 17 -12 244 2/2 TABU I1 29 524 1/3
10 ?AADDQR QUAD(S) D9 28 -20 272 2/2 QAID(S) 13I 48 572 2/3
11 AILMNSU MILLS 14H 36 -53 308 1/2 SIMULANT 1B 89 661 1/3
12 DIKNOPY             PINKY 5A 38 699 1/4
13 EEGIOOR OGRE B12 15 -7 323 2/3 ORIEL 14G 22 721 2/4
14 AEFNORS FANNER C3 20 -27 343 3/3 ORFES 15E 47 768 2/4
15 DINOPRV PROVIDE N2 30 -52 373 1/3 PROVINED N2 82 850 1/4
16 AEEFORT FOE O1 24 -24 397 2/3 REEF O1 48 898 1/4
17 AEGNORW             WAGONER C7 34 932 2/4
18 DEHIOTU HIDE 2A 27 -9 424 2/4 HID 11E 36 968 2/5
19 DEIOTTU DOTE 2A 20 -8 444 1/3 TOED M1 28 996 2/5

Total: 444/996 or -552 for 44.57%
Rank: 6103

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