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Game sheet of milklady99 (file), Game of January 29, 2012 at 15:50

Word find
Word played
1 CEEINOU CINE H8 12 -8 12 1/1 CUNEI H4 20 20 1/1
2 ?ABEEIP             P(L)EBEIAN 6A 63 83 1/1
3 ?GLOPRY             COPYG(I)RL 4H 82 165 1/1
4 AEEINSS SPINES A5 24 -98 36 2/2 SEALINES O1 122 287 1/2
5 AAAHORT PRAT J4 8 -31 44 3/3 PARATHA A6 39 326 2/3
6 DEJORTU ADJURE 12A 28 -10 72 1/2 JO 3I 38 364 1/3
7 ACDLRTU CADET C3 18 -25 90 2/2 CAUDLE 2J 43 407 2/3
8 DEEFGRU FUDGE C2 20 -48 110 2/2 REFUGED N7 68 475 2/3
9 ADELNOT BEND D6 8 -54 118 2/2 TALONED I8 62 537 2/3
10 BEINRTV ABET 12A 12 -24 130 2/2 BITER H11 36 573 2/3
11 DEFILNW FLIER 15D 12 -36 142 2/2 FIND O12 48 621 2/3
12 AMOSTTV STOVE C2 16 -15 158 2/2 VAST 1H 31 652 2/3
13 EEMNORT TONED 14E 8 -54 166 2/2 TIMONEER F5 62 714 2/3
14 AHINOTZ             HOATZIN B9 108 822 2/3
15 EKLMORS             REEBOKS 11E 52 874 2/3
16 GILOVXY             ONYX 15A 66 940 2/3
17 IILMOVW             OWT 5D 26 966 2/3
18 GILMOUW WIRE 7L 8 -24 174 2/2 GLIM 4A 32 998 2/3
19 IIOQUVW             QUID 15L 24 1022 2/3

Total: 174/1022 or -848 for 17.02%
Rank: 3381

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