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Game sheet of Andy1990 (file), Game of February 1, 2012 at 22:58

Word find
Word played
1 ?ACEEPR             REP(L)ACE H2 76 76  
2 AEINQTU             ANTIQUER 2A 88 164  
3 ADILMPW             PILAW 1H 81 245  
4 ?BILNOV             BELOVIN(G) 8G 63 308  
5 AEKSTYZ             ZEST 1A 82 390  
6 ADINRSV             VIRANDAS 6B 72 462  
7 DEHIRTU             OUTHIRED J8 66 528  
8 AEGIMRY             IMAGERY 9A 79 607  
9 AKOOSTU             KUTA 8A 55 662  
10 AAEGOSY             GEY 3A 42 704  
11 AAFIORT             DAFTAR 15J 42 746  
12 AEILMNO             MINNEOLA M6 74 820  
13 BDEEGLO GLOBE N2 26 -10 26 1/2 UMBELED B8 36 856 2/2
14 DEIORSU SIDE M1 21 -11 47 1/2 DEROS A11 32 888 2/2
15 HIJOSTW JO 5E 38 -2 85 2/2 SHOJI N2 40 928 2/2
16 CFINOTW FOIN O1 34 -21 119 2/2 COIF O1 55 983 2/2
17 EGNOOTW OWNER O11 12 -16 131 2/2 WEN C13 28 1011 2/2
18 GNOOTUX (G)OX N8 52   183 2/2       1063 2/2

Total: 183/1063 or -880 for 17.21%
Rank: 7291

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