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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of February 12, 2012 at 08:21

Word find
Word played
1 BCEINOW WINCE H4 28   28 1/2       28 1/2
2 ?EHIIUX NIX 6H 26 -13 54 2/2 (C)HENIX 6E 39 67 2/2
3 ?EEISTU SUITE(S) 9H 17 -57 71 2/3 EU(C)(R)ITES E4 74 141 2/3
4 AIMRTTV ARM 5J 19 -20 90 2/3 TRIVIA 8A 39 180 2/3
5 ADEINNR ARE 5J 15 -47 105 3/3 NARDINE I8 62 242 2/3
6 AAERRSW             REWEARS 14H 36 278 2/3
7 ADDIKOT             KART H12 52 330 3/3
8 AEGNOOY             OOGENY D10 32 362 3/3
9 AAIPRST             APIARIST C3 77 439 3/3
10 ADELOTU             OUTLEADS N7 61 500 3/4
11 CDELOSV             VOCES O4 50 550 3/4
12 BEMNOQZ             ZERO B6 68 618 4/4
13 EHLMMOP             HOME D1 40 658 4/4
14 ABDEGLL             BEGALLED K8 74 732 4/4
15 FLMOPRU             FUMY 15A 36 768 4/4
16 AFGILOR             GONIF 14B 44 812 4/4
17 BDIOPUY             HYPOID 1D 45 857 4/4
18 ABIJLNQ             NIQAB 5G 54 911 4/4
19 IJLNRTU JOE 7M 18 -7 123 2/2 JIN B1 25 936 4/4

Total: 123/936 or -813 for 13.14%
Rank: 5574

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