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Game sheet of una (file), Game of February 14, 2012 at 15:44

Word find
Word played
1 ADHIKNR DRINK H8 30 -6 30 1/1 KHADI H4 36 36 1/1
2 ?ENNPSU             UNSH(A)PEN 5E 98 134 1/1
3 ?ENORTX             EXERT(I)ON K5 78 212 1/1
4 AEGIPUY             GRAPEY 8J 39 251 1/1
5 AAOOSTZ             ZOONS 12H 48 299 1/1
6 ABIOTTT             ZATI H12 39 338 1/1
7 ELORRRT             PORGE J5 25 363 1/1
8 AACDEGL             ACED(I)A 10G 26 389 1/1
9 ACEEJQT             EJECTA 6A 39 428 1/1
10 AEFGHTT             THEFT A4 36 464 1/1
11 EFINORV             OVERFINE N1 82 546 1/1
12 BDILORS             OILBIRDS 15G 62 608 1/1
13 ABELLNW             ABLOW 1K 39 647 1/1
14 EGIIORU             GOIER 14K 24 671 1/2
15 DEILQUY             CLIQUEY D6 44 715 1/2
16 EGILMST             GIMLETS 2E 66 781 1/3
17 AAENUUV             NAVE E11 23 804 2/3
18 DIMORUW             WORMED 14A 32 836 2/3

Total: 30/836 or -806 for 3.588%
Rank: -

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