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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of February 26, 2012 at 10:37

Word find
Word played
1 AELNRTT             TRENTAL H8 66 66  
2 AACEEOR             CORNEAE 11E 36 102  
3 ?DIOOPR             (S)POROID 15H 101 203  
4 ACDLORT             CARTLOAD 13G 80 283  
5 DEFHIKR             KIDDED N10 46 329  
6 ?EIRTWX             WRITE(S) O8 50 379  
7 AEILSUW             LAW 14H 33 412  
8 AILSSUV             VISUALS M4 69 481  
9 BEHNOTZ             ZEE 10F 65 546  
10 ABEFGVY             BEVVY 4K 40 586  
11 AADGHIN             AGHA 12C 35 621  
12 BEIOPRU             UPBYE O1 36 657  
13 EGHINST             SHETTING 8D 63 720  
14 DEIINNO             INDIE 13A 29 749  
15 AFMNOSU             FINO A12 33 782  
16 GIMRTUX             XU 7I 36 818  
17 EIMNOOS SONS 6J 11 -83 11 2/2 NOISOME 5E 94 912 3/3
18 AAEGMRU GRAM 6C 25 -8 36 1/2 GRAMS H1 33 945 2/3
19 AEFINQT QAT 4D 28 -9 64 1/2 FAQIR 2D 37 982 2/3
20 EJNOTUY JUTE 1A 42 -17 106 1/1 ENJOY 1A 59 1041 2/3

Total: 106/1041 or -935 for 10.18%
Rank: -

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