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Game sheet of kellybelly (file), Game of Mars 2, 2012 at 04:12

Word find
Word played
1 ?ABCIRX CAR(O)B H4 22 -20 22 1/1 B(O)RAX H8 42 42 1/1
2 DGIILMN MAIDING 11G 22 -14 44 1/1 GLIADIN 11E 36 78 1/1
3 EEIOOPS POISE L8 30   74 1/1       108 1/1
4 ?CIMNOY COY(S) M7 29 -43 103 1/1 (V)IOMYCIN J5 72 180 1/1
5 EINOTTV VINO M7 21 -1 124 1/1 VETOING E5 22 202 1/1
6 ADEIIOR PAID 8L 21 -9 145 1/1 MOPIER 8J 30 232 1/1
7 ADPRTTY DAY F6 25 -8 170 1/2 TYPTO 8A 33 265 1/2
8 DDEINST SIDED 13J 38 -40 208 1/2 NEDDIEST N7 78 343 1/2
9 BELNOOR ROON O12 22 -48 230 1/1 BORNEOL G3 70 413 1/2
10 AAGHQRT QAT F2 38   268 1/1       451 1/2
11 EEGIMRS GISM H1 43 -49 311 1/1 GERMIEST A1 92 543 1/2
12 ACEHNRU HEAR H1 33 -51 344 1/1 UNPREACH C6 84 627 1/2
13 ADEEGTU TEAD H1 32 -5 376 1/1 ETAGE H1 37 664 1/2
14 AAEJRSU JEAN 10B 27 -7 403 1/1 JEUNE 10B 34 698 1/2
15 AAEKLUW WACK 12A 34   437 1/1       732 1/2
16 AFILLUV             AWFUL A11 33 765 1/2
17 ADEHIOV             HOED O12 49 814 1/2
18 AALOSVW             AW I6 20 834 1/2
19 AFLORUZ             OF B1 23 857 1/2
20 AAILRSV             TRAVAILS 2H 76 933 1/2

Total: 437/933 or -496 for 46.83%
Rank: 6846

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