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Game sheet of briz2408 (file), Game of Mars 3, 2012 at 21:36

Word find
Word played
1 AEGMORU             MAUGRE H4 24 24  
2 ?AEINTX             RETAXIN(G) 8H 116 140  
3 AGILLRY             RALLYING N2 90 230  
4 MOOPSTV EM I8 14 -18 14 3/3 MOOPS 10J 32 262 3/3
5 AFGLRSU FLAGS 10D 21 -19 35 3/3 FUSAROL K5 40 302 3/3
6 ADEISTT SATED 12K 27   62 1/3 TASTED 12G   329 3/3
7 ADHINVW WAD 10F 26 -10 88 2/3 DAWAH H11 36 365 3/3
8 CENORTV RE 2N 2 -33 90 3/3 CORVET L1 35 400 3/3
9 EEEGINR             ENERGIC 1F 30 430 3/3
10 ADEIIKO             AIKIDO 2B 39 469 3/3
11 ACLNORT             CILANTRO C1 72 541 3/3
12 AEEIPTU             UTOPIA 8A 33 574 3/3
13 ABEEINY             KIBE D2 32 606 3/3
14 ?BEEHIO             WHO(S)E 13H 39 645 3/3
15 EENNSYZ             ZEE O1 40 685 3/3
16 AEIJNQU             EQUINIA E5 70 755 3/3
17 DEFNOSW             FONDS 12A 43 798 3/3
18 BENOVWY             WYE 13B 36 834 3/3

Total: 90/834 or -744 for 10.79%
Rank: 5482

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