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Game sheet of PIThompson (file), Game of Mars 7, 2012 at 17:20

Word find
Word played
1 AEHNRTT HATTER H4 26   26 1/2       26 1/2
2 AFINSTU FAST 10F 25 -59 51 1/2 FAUNIST 3C 84 110 1/2
3 ?DNOPPW P(A)WN 4B 32 -66 83 1/2 DOWNP(I)PE 8A 98 208 1/2
4 ?BEEHIR BIER(S) 4A 28 -70 111 1/1 HEBRAI(S)E 5D 98 306 1/2
5 AINORTY RYA 4B 32 -9 143 1/3 NOTARY 6A 41 347 1/3
6 ADEGINX WAXING C8 36 -6 179 1/1 NIXED L1 42 389 1/3
7 ABDMRSY RYAS 10E 26 -10 205 1/3 YAIRDS 2J 36 425 1/3
8 AEIINSW ARIS M1 30   235 1/3       455 1/3
9 DEIOTUU USED O1 21 -3 256 1/2 WIDEOUT C8 24 479 1/4
10 AEEIMOR AIMER D11 28 -8 284 1/2 ISOMERE O1 36 515 1/4
11 ELMNORT TOME D11 24 -5 308 1/1 MELTON 1E 29 544 1/4
12 EGILOQS QIS 8M 66   374 1/3       610 1/5
13 ACEFKLO OAF D10 27 -17 401 1/3 FETLOCK 14A 44 654 1/5
14 AAELUUV AVALE 15G 30   431 1/4       684 1/6
15 AABELOO ALB D10 23 -4 454 1/3 OBOE 2C 27 711 1/6
16 ACGLUVZ GLAZE K11 30 -12 484 1/3 VULCAN A1 42 753 1/7
17 AEJNRUW JAW 14I 33 -5 517 1/5 JEON 12A 38 791 1/7
18 AGGIIRU AR 15A 23   540 1/4       814 1/7
19 GGIIUWZ QUIZ M8 23   563 1/4       837 1/7

Total: 563/837 or -274 for 67.26%
Rank: 7787

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