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Game sheet of argomearns (file), Game of Mars 7, 2012 at 17:20

Word find
Word played
1 AEHNRTT             HATTER H4 26 26  
2 AFINSTU             FAUNIST 3C 84 110  
3 ?DNOPPW             DOWNP(I)PE 8A 98 208  
4 ?BEEHIR             HEBRAI(S)E 5D 98 306  
5 AINORTY             NOTARY 6A 41 347  
6 ADEGINX             NIXED L1 42 389  
7 ABDMRSY             YAIRDS 2J 36 425  
8 AEIINSW             ARIS M1 30 455  
9 DEIOTUU             WIDEOUT C8 24 479  
10 AEEIMOR             ISOMERE O1 36 515  
11 ELMNORT             MELTON 1E 29 544  
12 EGILOQS             QIS 8M 66 610  
13 ACEFKLO             FETLOCK 14A 44 654  
14 AAELUUV             AVALE 15G 30 684  
15 AABELOO             OBOE 2C 27 711  
16 ACGLUVZ GLAZE K11 30 -12 30 2/3 VULCAN A1 42 753 6/7
17 AEJNRUW JOW 12B 26 -12 56 2/5 JEON 12A 38 791 6/7
18 AGGIIRU RAGG 9H 7 -16 63 4/4 AR 15A 23 814 5/7
19 GGIIUWZ ZA I14 11 -12 74 4/4 QUIZ M8 23 837 4/7

Total: 74/837 or -763 for 8.841%
Rank: -

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