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Game sheet of charmingSA (file), Game of Mars 13, 2012 at 14:42

Word find
Word played
1 ?DEEPRV             DEPR(I)VE H7 82 82  
2 GINORTU             ROUTING 14H 83 165  
3 ?ENNOTT             TONT(I)NE(S) 11D 74 239  
4 EKOOPRS             KEROS 15D 84 323  
5 ADEFHST             SHAFTED G2 76 399  
6 ABLOTYZ             ZLOTY D8 54 453  
7 ELMOSST             MOLESTS O8 89 542  
8 ABGIIOW             BWAZI 8A 57 599  
9 BEIINOR             BRIONIE(S) K4 68 667  
10 AAEEILT IT H3 11 -11 11 3/4 TELAE L1 22 689 5/5
11 CEEGIWY             YGO G13 31 720 5/5
12 ADFMORW WORDS 2C 13 -37 24 4/4 FOAM H1 50 770 5/5
13 DEILNQR QI J6 64   88 1/5       834 4/6
14 ACDELRR BARDE 4K 9 -58 97 5/5 CRADLER M5 67 901 4/6
15 AAAEHIN WHINE B8 13 -15 110 5/5 AAH 7A 28 929 4/6
16 ACEIJNW JAW 6B 64 -4 174 5/5 JACENT 6B 68 997 4/6
17 DEIOPUX XI 13L 31 -4 205 2/6 EXO 13K 35 1032 4/6
18 ADINPUV NAP C12 15 -16 220 5/5 DAP F2 31 1063 4/6
19 GIIIUUW WE J10 26   246 3/5   10J   1089 4/6
20 GIINUUV JAWING B6 19 -1 265 1/4 VINIC D2 20 1109 4/6

Total: 265/1109 or -844 for 23.89%
Rank: 6618

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