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Game sheet of michele (file), Game of Mars 22, 2012 at 17:38

Word find
Word played
1 ?EHINOU             HEINOU(S) H4 76 76  
2 INRSTUW             UNWRITES 5B 72 148  
3 ADEENSV             SHEAVED 4G 32 180  
4 ?ADIIOP             PINA(K)OID C3 72 252  
5 AJKPRSY             AUK B4 35 287  
6 ADEIINN             (S)ANIDINE 10H 62 349  
7 BDEILOY             BIELDY O8 42 391  
8 CEGPSTU SPACE I8 21 -15 21 2/2 SCOPE 8A 36 427 2/2
9 AEGORTX TAX 9K 40 -2 61 1/2 GOX 9K 42 469 2/2
10 ACEHILT LACY 13L 18 -52 79 2/2 ETHNICAL 7E 70 539 2/2
11 AIMRSTW SWARMS A8 14 -29 93 2/2 STAW A1 43 582 2/2
12 AEEMORU MORE 3L 22 -2 115 1/2 MOE 11I 24 606 2/2
13 AEIMQUV QUEY 13L 32 -4 147 2/2 QUA N6 36 642 2/2
14 AINOTUV VANITY 13J 24 -1 171 1/2 AVION 12G 25 667 2/2
15 EGLORTT GLOVE K1 18 -11 189 1/2 CLOTTER B8 29 696 2/2
16 AEGRRUY GRAY 13L 16 -14 205 2/2 VERY H12 30 726 2/2
17 EEMNORR             SERMONER 1A 89 815 2/2
18 AEFLOTU FAT A13 25 -11 230 1/2 REFUTAL 14H 36 851 2/2
19 BFGJORZ FOG A13 28 -4 258 2/2 ZOA J2 32 883 2/2

Total: 258/883 or -625 for 29.21%
Rank: 6914

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