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Game sheet of micmac (file), Game of Mars 27, 2012 at 14:11

Word find
Word played
1 ABENORS             BORANES H4 74 74  
2 ?IMNOPU             PO(L)ONIUM 5E 94 168  
3 AEEHSTU             TEAHOUSE F1 65 233  
4 EGIMOOS             EGOTISM 1C 36 269  
5 DDEEKNO             KNEED 4J 36 305  
6 AEIILTV             DILATIVE N4 72 377  
7 INOQRTU             TORQUE 8A 75 452  
8 AAEIRTX             TAXITE 8J 63 515  
9 ADEFHIN             AHIND O11 41 556  
10 DDEINVW             VEINED 2B 30 586  
11 ?CLSYYZ             ZLO(T)YS B6 45 631  
12 AEFILNR REFIND 15J 14 -26 14 1/1 FERIAL A10 40 671 2/2
13 ACGNORY SCARY 10H 12 -24 26 1/1 ANGARY 14A 36 707 2/2
14 ABEFGOP APE 15F 20 -14 46 1/1 REF 6H 34 741 1/2
15 ADEIOTT DOTTED 15J 9 -21 55 2/2 OXIDATE L7 30 771 1/3
16 ABGOORT BOOTS 10D 9 -17 64 2/2 AGOROT 15F 26 797 1/3
17 JLOPRUW JAW D13 17 -33 81 2/2 JALOP K7 50 847 2/3
18 BCCRUWW CREW 13J 18 -8 99 1/1 SCAW 7F 26 873 1/3

Total: 99/873 or -774 for 11.34%
Rank: 4213

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