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Game sheet of argomearns (file), Game of April 18, 2012 at 20:25

Word find
Word played
1 ?BLOOTT BLOTTO H4 22   22 2/3       22 2/3
2 ACEIRUW AWE I8 21 -1 43 1/2 WICE I9 22 44 1/3
3 EFHLNOR HOLE H12 42 -9 85 2/4 FOHN H12 51 95 2/4
4 ?AAELOU             ANALO(G)UE 15G 57 152 2/4
5 AADORSV ROADS O11 45 -35 130 2/4 BRAVADOS 4H 80 232 1/4
6 ?ARTUUY TRAY(S) O11 45 -3 175 1/4 YURTA(S) O10 48 280 1/4
7 ADNOSTY YODS O1 24 -10 199 3/3 SNOOTY N1 34 314 1/4
8 EIIINTV VISE 1L 33 -6 232 4/4 INVEST 1J 39 353 1/4
9 ACEHIRS REINVEST 1H 33 -59 265 2/4 CHARIEST 8A 92 445 1/4
10 ABDEEIL BIELD J6 31 -47 296 1/4 EVADIBLE K3 78 523 1/4
11 AAEIOXZ BAIZE 8K 51 -10 347 1/5 ZEX 7C 61 584 1/6
12 EEFGKMN EKE O6 26 -17 373 3/5 KNEE N10 43 627 1/6
13 ADGILRU BRAID 8K 27   400 2/5       654 1/6
14 AEFILRU REINVEST 1H 33 -1 433 1/4 FLAXIER E4 34 688 1/6
15 GINOPQU QUIET 13K 28 -26 461 3/3 QUOIF 4A 54 742 1/6
16 DGIINOS DOGS F1 26 -43 487 3/4 INDIGOS 2D 69 811 1/6
17 EGMNPUW             GUMP 1A 43 854 1/6
18 EGINRTW WRIN(G) L11 14 -19 501 3/3 EGRET 9B 33 887 1/6
19 EIJMNPW JEU M13 40   541 1/4       927 1/6

Total: 541/927 or -386 for 58.36%
Rank: 7244

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