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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of June 30, 2012 at 17:12

Word find
Word played
1 ?EIMUWY MY H7 14 -18 14 3/3 WIM(P)Y H4 32 32 3/3
2 EELOORS WOOLERS 4H 20   34 1/3       52 3/3
3 AORTVWX WAX 5J 44   78 1/3       96 3/3
4 AEIOPUV EVO 6J 32 -14 110 2/3 PAVE 3J 46 142 3/3
5 AEGORRT TOGA 6L 23   133 3/3       165 3/3
6 ABEELNR BARN O5 18 -48 151 2/3 ENABLER I8 66 231 3/3
7 EILNNOT NEON J10 18 -50 169 2/3 NONELITE 13B 68 299 3/3
8 ACDENST CASTED 15G 43 -50 212 2/4 SCANTED 15I 93 392 3/4
9 EORSTUV             OUTSERVE N8 76 468 3/4
10 ?IIJOPR             JOIN(E)R B10 56 524 3/4
11 ABEIKLN LAKIN O5 35 -43 247 4/4 BEANLIKE E6 78 602 3/4
12 ACDEQSU QUOD 8L 72 -10 319 2/4 CASQUED F1 82 684 3/4
13 AEMPRTZ CRAZE 1F 48 -30 367 3/5 MATZA 8A 78 762 3/5
14 DEGHNRU CHURNED 1F 45   412 1/5       807 3/5
15 AFGHIOY HOYA J8 46   458 1/6       853 3/6
16 EFIPRTU REP K9 33 -36 491 3/6 PREIF O8 69 922 3/6
17 DEFGIOU GRUFE 15A 39   530 2/5 DISCANTED 15G   961 3/6
18 EFGGIOU GRUFE 15A 39   569 1/5       1000 3/6

Total: 569/1000 or -431 for 56.89%
Rank: 7219

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