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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of July 3, 2012 at 14:35

Word find
Word played
1 ?EINSTW             (A)WNIEST H3 76 76  
2 AADMNTY T(A)WNIEST H2 10 -21 10 3/3 MAYAN 2F 31 107 4/4
3 CEIOQRY             RICEY 3B 27 134 4/4
4 ?BEELOP             BE(A)NPOLE 5E 94 228 4/4
5 DEFNOTU             FORTUNED B1 78 306 4/4
6 AENRSTV             TAVERNS A7 94 400 5/5
7 CDGORSU             CROGS M1 28 428 5/5
8 DEILMRT             EM A1 31 459 5/5
9 ADILNPR             SPANDRIL 8H 89 548 5/5
10 ABISTTU             SCAB 1L 27 575 5/5
11 EGIKLLT             GECK D1 26 601 5/5
12 AAADLOU             SALUED L1 24 625 5/5
13 AEIJORU             RIOJA N7 28 653 5/5
14 HINOOTW             WHOOT O11 50 703 5/5
15 ADEOQTU             EQUATED 10A 39 742 5/5
16 AILNOOU             UNITAL 9E 23 765 5/5
17 EFGHORV             FOREGO 14J 36 801 5/5
18 EEHIOTZ             TOZIE 15F 47 848 5/5
19 EHIIIVX             VEX 6D 58 906 5/5

Total: 10/906 or -896 for 1.103%
Rank: -

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